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Training and Consulting for Resilient Organizations

You have amazing leaders with vast skill sets in building morale, negotiation, and getting things done. But what about when things go wrong?

  • Do they have the skills to manage through organizational change?

  • Will they burn out when they must lead through a crisis?

  • Are they comfortable offering support to a grieving staff member?

  • How do they support their team displaced by fire or floods?

  •  Can they lead employees struggling with addiction?

As you can imagine, this is a specialized skill set.

Being a Trauma-informed Leader means you have more tools to support your team personally and professionally.


In the 1990’s Trauma Informed Leadership wasn’t a thing. We told employees to leave their problems at home. That style of leadership doesn’t work anymore. This is 2023.

More and more organizations are choosing Trauma Informed Leadership Training to keep up with the times. Together, we will ensure training is relevant to your industry's unique stresses and pressures. (otherwise why waste your time and money?).

Read about an Executive Director who became trauma-informed here

Why Trama-Informed Leadership?

Tailored training programs for specific industries in alignment with the National Standards for workplace Psychological Health and Safety, as specified by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

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